Hotels Near Jersey War Tunnels, Jersey

Address Les Charrières Malorey, St Lawrence, Jersey
Phone +44 1534 860808

Jersey War Tunnels is a fascinating underground attraction located in the beautiful island of Jersey. The tunnels were originally built by the Germans during World War II as a defensive measure against the Allied forces. Today, the tunnels serve as a museum that showcases the history of the island during the war.

Visitors to the Jersey War Tunnels can expect to see a variety of exhibits and displays that tell the story of the occupation of Jersey. The tunnels are filled with artifacts, photographs, and personal accounts from the people who lived through the war. There are also interactive exhibits that allow visitors to experience what life was like during the occupation.

One of the highlights of the Jersey War Tunnels is the hospital section. The Germans converted part of the tunnels into a hospital during the war, and visitors can see the original equipment and medical supplies that were used at the time. There is also a section dedicated to the German soldiers who were stationed on the island, which provides a unique perspective on the war.

The Jersey War Tunnels are a must-visit attraction for anyone interested in history or World War II. The tunnels are well-preserved and offer a glimpse into a time when the island was under occupation. Whether you are a history buff or just looking for a unique experience, the Jersey War Tunnels are definitely worth a visit.